Etiquette Tips

Business Networking Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine Are you comfortable walking up to other people and starting a conversation? When you are engaged in a conversation, do you feel like you’re saying the wrong things or don’t know how to keep the conversation going? Business networking can be a hard and daunting task for some, and easy and enjoyable for others. When attending business networking events, sparking up a conversation is just…

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“Know your Wedding Etiquette”

As seen on: Brentwood Press While the tradition of marriage has stood the test of time, wedding etiquette is constantly changing. From the bride and groom to the wedding party and invited guests, there are certain rules to follow that transform with time. The original purpose of bridesmaids and groomsmen were to ensure the bride got to the church on time and to keep away any hostile friends or family…

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Golf Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine To fully enjoy the game of golf, every golfer, whether an amateur such as my husband Mark or a professional such as Tiger Woods, profits when the game is played with consideration and integrity.  Golf etiquette is the set of rules that govern the behaviors of golfers. The United States Golf Association (USGA) Rules of Golf for 2012-2015 state, “The game of golf relies…

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Baby Shower Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine Following World War II, our nation was hit with a boom, a baby boom. The baby boom made baby showers a common activity for expecting couples. When throwing a shower, keep in mind that baby shower etiquette is slightly dependent upon the culture and region of where you live. Most of the baby shower concerns addressed below apply to most cultures. However, if you…

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Bridal Shower Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine The tradition of bridal showers dates back to the 1800s.  The original purpose surrounding a bridal shower was to “shower” a bride with gifts to help her set up her own household. This early 18th-century custom is said to have grown out of dowry practices (the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage). When a poor woman’s family…

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Farmers’ Market Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine The taste of fresh and juicy fruit is a favorite for most people. One of the best places to choose your own fresh fruit and vegetables is straight from an orchard, a private farm or a farmer’s market. Depending on which one you choose, there are different procedures and rules to follow. Farmers markets can be found in various cities across the country. They are…

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Proper Hygiene Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine The cold weather is upon us and with it comes the cold and flu season which is a time to practice proper hygiene. For many of us, the holidays and cold weather go hand in hand. During this time of year many, people spend their time outside, shopping and visiting family and friends. But just because the risk of getting sick with a cold…

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Etiquette for Sports Fans

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine Fan sportsmanship. We know what it’s like to be on the winning team and we know what it feels like to be on the losing side. It’s all part of the game, just like being a good sport. It’s not just the players and coaches that are expected to show good sportsmanship, but the fans too. Being a good sport shows you care about the…

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Business and Office Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine If etiquette should be displayed anywhere, it is in the office or workplace. Many professional institutions including Harvard University have conducted studies that have led to this conclusion: Getting a job, keeping a job and getting promoted is based on 85 of one’s soft skills and 15 of one’s technical knowledge. What does this mean? The only things standing between you and your dream…

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Graduation Etiquette

As seen on: Cuisine Noir Magazine As summertime approaches, not only do we begin to anticipate sunshine and a good time, many students and their families are preparing for the big day, graduation. Graduations are very joyous and monumental occasions. Whether you are preparing to graduate, throw a party, or attend one, here is a dose of graduation etiquette to help things run smoothly. Graduation Announcements and Invitations There is a big…

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