Mrs. Hayes is amazing! Tina was a super energetic speaker who was able to capture and keep the attention of 23 8th grade girls. Her lessons were engaging and interactive. The girls learned public speaking how to handle challenging situations and dining etiquette. We will definitely have her come back for more etiquette trainings.
A great big Thank you to the American Heart Association Power to end Stroke. What a great idea! The Healthy Cooking for the Holidays with Chef Tre Wilcox was just fabulous! The food was fabulous and we learned so much. The extra bonus was our lessons in etiquette and decorum. No more putting on lipstick at the dinner table people! Thanks to Tina Hayes of The School of Etiquette and Decorum.
I really enjoyed the private training sessions and appreciate the time you took as well as the patience you had in dealing with me. I didn’t realize there were so many rules to dining and I learned a lot from the tips given for business gathering. Your professionalism is top notch. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the training class last night. Being a professional for many years, I found this class to be both beneficial and informative. Every professional person should attend this class for more confidence in social or business situations. One does not realize how much she/he does not know about table etiquette until the class is attended. This was an enjoyable evening.
Dear Mrs. Hayes
We so much appreciate your influence in Miss Mia’s world. She came home so excited about the things she learned in just one class with you. She’s showing us just how “it’s done” and correcting us! It’s a pleasure to see what a difference only one lesson has made. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re one classy lady!
Dear Tina,
Thank you ever so much for presenting to our students yesterday! You always present in a fun and engaging manner. I think many of them had never thought about the importance of these topics before your training on Networking, Self-Presentation Skills, Meeting New People and Communicating with Others. Thanks again for helping them prepare & practice for our college Industry Day Networking event. Looking forward to working with you again.
Good afternoon Ms. Tina! I just wanted to thank you for coming to teach the etiquette class yesterday to the young ladies participating in the Beta Pi Sigma Sorority, Iota Chapter debutante program. I really enjoyed brushing up on my table manners while also learning some new tips on how to present myself properly as a young lady. The class was so much fun!!! Thank you so much🤍
Hope you are doing well, it’s been about 9 months and I just wanted to say hi and thank you again. The etiquette training with you changed my life, and my business has exploded. It all started with the huge confidence you helped me build through the training sessions. So many great things have happened to me. I hope the Lord continues to bless you too!!
The private etiquette training sessions were so complete and included all I was looking for. The overall training was perfect! The training on Confidence, Professional Overall Appearance, Networking, Etiquette or Business Professionals, Dining Decorum, just to name a few…really worked. Not only did it change my life however I loved every minute of each training session. I was so excited and grateful to have found you. It was amazing and unbelievable how this training changed my life. Thank you!
I’ve been so impressed with how much my son has learned. He’s giving people direct eye contact (which was a problem before) and he’s speaking up as well. He now orders his own food perfectly when we go to restaurants and when we went out to eat last Thursday, an older woman stopped as she and her husband were leaving to comment on how well behaved he was. He is holding doors for people as well. I can’t wait until he can take the next class!
Thank you so much for passing on your wisdom and talents to my girl scout troop. In just the two meetings with you, I have already noticed a difference in the way they interact with each other and also with me. You have a genuine gift for bringing out the best in people. I count myself blessed for meeting you and learning from you.
Dear Ms. Tina,
The presentations you gave were very informative and I learned a lot about dining and public speaking. My favorite part of the presentations was learning about the table setting and navigation. To be honest, I had no idea that there was a specific place for each dinnerware in a formal table setting so I really enjoyed learning about that. The tips about public speaking like showing enthusiasm in a presentation to capture the audience’s attention as well as being prepared helped improve my public speaking abilities.
I learned a lot of great tips on etiquette from your book too — one good example is this thank you email I hope.
Antioch High parents, teachers, and staff would like to thank you for sharing your time and expertise with us. P.A.S.S. (Parents Assisting Students Success) is a valuable source of pertinent information and we truly appreciate your support and participation.
Thank you for your dynamic, insightful and delightful presentation on “Etiquette” to The American Business Woman Association – Cities by the Bay Chapter. Your presentation was enjoyed by all and the attendees rated the overall training “Excellent”. We wish you continued success and hope to see you again soon.